
【募集終了】Improving Your Oral Presentation Skills (英語プレゼンテーションセミナー)

This transferable skills seminar is targeted for researchers (MC, DC, PD, Faculty member/staff). Seminar will be conducted in English.
This Transferable Skills Seminar, “Improving Your Oral Presentation Skills”, is intended primarily for young researchers who are going to give a presentation in near future.

Seminar date 2022/7/14 (Thu.) 16:30-18:00(4:30pm-6:00pm)
Place Online (Zoom video Webinar)
Language English
Outline 1) Essential Information
 -Outline of the seminar
 -Importance of oral presentation skills for scientists
 -The “keys” to an effective presentation: Content & Delivery
2) Content of an Oral Presentation
 -Differences between written and spoken English
 -Creating effective slides -Deciding what text to include on your slides
3) Delivery of an Oral Presentation -Appropriate appearance
 -Using natural gestures for effective emphasis
 -Speaking with clarity -Using natural intonation and rhythm
4) Practicing Effectively
 -Identifying areas to improve
 -Practice methods for improving your presentation
 -Available resources
5) Handling the Q & A Session
 -Understanding your audience
 -Anticipating possible questions
 -Responding to difficult questions
6) Conclusion -Review of the topics covered
Lecturer Mr. Greg Adams / Managing Editor
FORTE Science Communications : Experts in Academic Papers
Target Graduate students and post-doctoral from consortium universities
Maximum number of participants 150
Application By 7/6 (Wed.)
How to apply Please contact your university