
Building Academic Career in Japan(Hokkaido University)

Positions as a researcher is still and ever one of the major options for doctoral students.
Especially for international doctoral students without Japanese language proficiency,
research positions that do not require relatively high Japanese language skills are precious for their career development.

On the other hand, job hunting in universities and public research institutes, so called “Academia”,
is often very different from that in the private sector and students tend to gather information just from
people around them such as people in the laboratory.
To say further, there is less information on academic career development distributed.

-Therefore, we will provide guidance on academic careers with a focus on doctoral students,
including non-Japanese speaking doctoral students, how to obtain academic positions in Japan.

-We look forward to your participation, regardless of your academic year, field of study nor background.

Seminar date 2025/3/14(Fri.)9:30-11:00am
Place Clark Memorial Student Center(クラーク会館 講堂)
Language English
Outline – Overview of academic career
– Expectations towards researchers in early stage career
– Career strategy under unstable employment
– ‘Language barriers’ in academia
– When and How to find academic position
Lecturer Mr. Tomonori FUKASAWA
President/Emerging Technologies Corporation
Doctoral Consultant / Hokkaido University
Target Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows affiliated with the consortium
Application By 3/4 (Tue.)
How to apply Please contact your university.